2024-01-02 19:45:41
A. C. Tutein-Nolthenius
A. C. Tutein-Nolthenius
a Dutch-born Ceylonese tea planter, amateur naturalist, author and appointed member of parliament.
2024-08-29 07:09:25
A. Campbell Holms
A. Campbell Holms
well known as A. Campbell Holms was a Scottish shipbuilding expert and spiritualist. Holms attributed alleged poltergeist cases to the effects of mischievous spirits.
2024-08-30 14:49:15
A. O. Neville
A. O. Neville
a British-Australian public servant, notably Chief Protector of Aborigines, in Western Australia.
2025-02-02 15:39:27
A. Y. Arulanandasamy Nadar
A. Y. Arulanandasamy Nadar
an Indian politician and philanthropist who served as the Municipal Chairperson of Thanjavur.
2024-01-02 19:33:30
A.M. Griffin
A.M. Griffin
an American architect who worked as a staff architect for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad in the 1920s.
2024-01-02 19:33:54
Abby Shaw Mayhew
Abby Shaw Mayhew
an American educator, the first director of physical education for women at the University of Wisconsin. She was first director of the YWCA's Normal School of Physical Education and Hygiene in Shanghai, when it opened in 1915.
2024-01-03 09:50:06
Abderhaman Mami
Abderhaman Mami
a prominent figure in Tunisia who partially started the French decolonization movement by the local Tunisian population.
2024-08-31 12:06:40
Abdul Bari
Abdul Bari
a squash player. He was one of the leading players in India in the 1940s.
2024-08-28 18:28:06
Abdulmalik Asekomhe Afegbua
Abdulmalik Asekomhe Afegbua
a Nigerian King and the first Paramount Otaru of Okpella kingdom.
2024-01-02 19:34:32
Abdurahman Čokić
Abdurahman Čokić
a Bosnian Mufti. He completed basic education in Behram-beg's Madrassa. He was enrolled in Sharia tribunal school 1908 but soon left and went to Istanbul where he enrolled at the Faculty of Theology and graduated in 1914. He then enrolled at the high school for different Islamic disciplines, which was completed 1917.
2024-01-02 19:34:40
Abdurrahman Fatalibeyli
Abdurrahman Fatalibeyli
a Soviet army major who defected to the German forces during World War II.
2024-08-28 18:28:48
Abel Alarcón
Abel Alarcón
a Bolivian lawyer poet, and writer. His works delved into a variety of genres, including historical works and translations, political essays, as well as poetry and fiction.
2024-01-02 23:01:51
Abraham Low
Abraham Low
an American neuropsychiatrist noted for his work in establishing self-help programs for people with mental illness and for his criticism of Freudian psychoanalysis.
2024-01-02 19:36:20
Adelbert Althouse
Adelbert Althouse
a United States Navy Captain who served as the 27th and 29th Naval Governor of Guam. Prior to his Governorship he served on ships in the Navy and participated in both the Spanish–American War and World War I. He earned the Navy Cross for his actions commanding USS Brooklyn and serving as Chief of Staff for the Commander and Chief of the United States Asiatic Fleet during the World War. As Governor, he focused on reforming the island's education system. He modeled a new system after that of co-educational California but also outlawed the speaking of the Chamorro language at schools in an effort to improve the English language skills of the local children. Most of his education reform took place in his first term.
2024-07-12 15:07:29
Adil Arslan
Adil Arslan
an Lebanese Druze politician writer and poet. He was the older brother of the two princes Shakib Arslan and Nasib Arslan. He was a deputy for Lebanon in the Ottoman Parliament, Deputy Governor General in Syria (1918-1919) and adviser to King Faisal of Iraq and Syria (1919-1920).
2024-01-02 19:36:57
Adolf Aisch
Adolf Aisch
deutscher evangelischer Pfarrer und heimatkundlicher Schriftsteller
2024-01-02 18:07:44
Adolf Dahle
Adolf Dahle
a German painter. His work was part of the painting event in the art competition at the 1936 Summer Olympics.[1]
2024-12-30 08:29:54
Adolf Gondrell
13.01.1954 in München
Adolf Gondrell
ein deutscher Conférencier, Film- und Bühnenschauspieler. Seit 1945 war er Mitglied der Münchner Kammerspiele, daneben trat er an anderen Bühnen wie der Kleinen Komödie am Max II auf. Er spielte Alfred Doolittle in Pygmalion, Puntila in Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti, den Bäcker in Pagnols Madame Aurelie, Dr. Lausitz in Des Teufels General und wurde besonders als Dienstmann Alois Hingerl in Ein Münchner im Himmel bekannt. Für dieses Stück hatte er Ludwig Thomas Erzählung bearbeitet. Als Synchronsprecher lieh er u. a. Fredric March (Die Abenteuer des Mark Twain) seine Stimme.
2024-01-02 19:37:45
Adolf Messer
Adolf Messer
ein deutscher Konstrukteur und Industrieller und Gründer der Firma, die Autogen-Schweiß- und Schneidtechnik und Industriegase produziert. Die Adolf Messer GmbH ist seit 1965 mit der Knapsack Griesheim AG zur Messer Griesheim GmbH fusioniert.
2024-06-05 17:30:01
Adolf Wächter
Adolf Wächter
deutscher Oberbürgermeister und Ehrenbürger der Stadt Bamberg
2024-12-29 13:19:01
Adolph Otto Niedner
Adolph Otto Niedner
an American gunsmith remembered for pioneering work with cartridges including the .22 Long Rifle and .25-06 Remington.
2024-01-02 18:07:44
Adolphe-Marie Hardy
Adolphe-Marie Hardy
a Belgian writer first published in 1888.[2] He rose to become a major figure in French-language literature.
2024-01-03 09:53:52
Agamemnon Schliemann
Agamemnon Schliemann
ein griechischer Politiker und Diplomat, Sohn von Heinrich Schliemann.
2024-01-02 23:04:25
Agatha Harrison
Agatha Harrison
an English industrial welfare reformer and unofficial diplomat.
2024-09-01 21:18:16
the 8th Sheikh ul-Islam of the Religious Council of the Caucasus and the first Sheikh al-Islam of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918–1920).
2024-01-02 19:38:42
Agnes Macphail
Agnes Macphail
a Canadian politician and the first woman elected to Canada's House of Commons. She served as a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1921 to 1940, she served as a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, representing the Toronto riding of York East. Active throughout her life in progressive politics, Macphail worked for multiple parties, most prominently the Progressive Party and the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. She promoted her ideas through column-writing, activist organizing, and legislation. She also published novels.
2024-09-01 11:46:41
Agnes Rothery
1954 in Charlottesville, Virginia
Agnes Rothery
war primär bekannt als Reiseschriftstellerin, sie publizierte aber auch Novellen.
2024-08-29 07:09:38
Agnes Ryan
Agnes Ryan
an American pacifist, vegetarian, suffragist and managing editor of Woman's Journal, 1910-1917.
