
2024-01-02 22:37:23
Arent Tonko Vos
Arent Tonko Vos
a Dutch lawyer, writer, and librettist, best remembered for his 1918 opera Saskia about Saskia van Uylenburgh and Rembrandt.
2024-01-03 09:02:42
Arnold Dresden
Arnold Dresden
a Dutch-American mathematician, known for his work in the calculus of variations and collegiate mathematics education.
2024-01-02 23:44:01
Neeltje Lokerse
Neeltje Lokerse
niederländisches Dienstmädchen und Frauenrechtlerin
2024-01-03 01:07:33
Henri Frankfort
Henri Frankfort
niederländischer Archäologe, Altorientalist und Ägyptologe
2023-10-24 00:07:26
Albert Plesman
Albert Plesman
ein niederländischer Luftfahrtpionier und zusammen mit Anthony Fokker Gründer der königlichen niederländischen L...
2024-01-02 19:45:41
A. C. Tutein-Nolthenius
A. C. Tutein-Nolthenius
a Dutch-born Ceylonese tea planter, amateur naturalist, author and appointed member of parliament.
2023-01-02 16:04:14
Richard Pearse
Richard Pearse
ein neuseeländischer Landwirt, Erfinder und Luftfahrtpionier
2022-01-09 19:22:19
Henri Winkelman
Henri Winkelman
ein niederländischer Offizier, zuletzt General im Zweiten Weltkrieg und Oberbefehlshaber.
2024-01-07 11:58:40
Lodewijk Hendrik Nicolaas Bosch van Rosenthal
Lodewijk Hendrik Nicolaas Bosch van Rosenthal
ein niederländischer Jurist und Politiker. Während der deutschen Besetzung der Niederlande von 1940 bis 1945 unterstützte er aktiv den Widerstand.
2019-02-07 19:06:11
Paul Seelig
Paul Seelig
had a music business in Bandung. Paul Seelig lived most of his life on the island of Java, but he made trips to Europe, America, Australia, Japan and Siam. In his music he combined Eastern and Western elements. He developed into a renowned composer and was programmed at the Wiener Festwochen and many other venues. During the war he remained on Java, at that time Dutch territory, while his other family members lived in the Netherlands. In 1943, he was interned in a camp where he died on June 12, 1945. Many of his manuscripts and compositions were lost.
